
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Disaster Movie Review

In my elective term course Ollywood at GCE, we learned about the art of filmmaking. In our studies  we looked at the three major parts of making a movie. Pre-production, production, and post-production. While learning about each part, we watched various films to compare our findings to popular films and visited a variety of places that work in the field of film or have a great deal of experience. My favorite of these Field Experiences was to Morning Star. Even though Morning Star wasn't a film company, they had a large space and dedicated employees to making videos for advertisement. The reason why it was the favorite was because we got to see lots of all the cool and professional equipment they had in their studio. For the Action Project for this course, we were asked pick any movie and create an extensive review on it. In our review, my partner GA and I analyzed Disaster Movie. We specifically picked this movie knowing how bad it was because we thought it would be much more fun to review a movie that we both enjoyed making fun of.