For this assignment, I was asked to first do research on general illiteracy around the world. Then I made a guiding question and did further research off of that. Finally, I was to make a poster for the new library space, expressing the importance of literacy or the hard facts of illiteracy. This relates to the class because in order to be able to read, you need to be literate. This assignment allowed us to investigate the term literacy with our own guiding question, thus teaching us its importance while also allowing a certain freedom with our path in learning. I selected this assignment for my blog because of how recent I made it. It was much easier to include this assignment while it was fresh in my mind. The way I approached this poster was a little personal because of my focus being my home city. It was shocking to learn some of things I did, but it was also very informative. Since I made this poster with this blogpost in mind, there are no revisions that I needed to make before I posted it here. Also, there were no challenges I faced when making this poster because of its simplicity. What makes me the most proud about this assignment has to be my visual. I's humor and quite literal meaning makes it a very powerful and effective way of communicating my thoughts.
I, Reader
For this assignment, I was asked to outline my growth and experiences with reading in a storyboard format. This relates to the course because of it's focus on our connections with reading. The reason I selected this for my blog post is because of the amount of creativity and personal connection I was allowed to include in it. Many of the scenes depicted show personal thoughts and events that I enjoyed writing about. My approach to the assignment was very laid back and personal. Making each clip was a fun reflection on old memories for me. The only major challenge I face when making this storyboard was getting used to the website I made it on. At first it was confusing but after a while I got used to it. For this assignment, the revisions I made were the most extensive. I completely redid every text box in the storyboard. This was because after talking to my teacher, she made me realize that, instead of elaborating upon the images in my text, I was simply explaining what the viewer could already see. I changed all the text to have a more in-depth look at my thoughts and feelings during those specific events. What I am proud of in this assignment is my ability to create mostly realistic visuals and connect them to meaningful text.
For this assignment, I was asked to pick a book I thought deserved to be canonized, and make a slideshow outlining why and including the information of the book. This assignment relates to the course because it shows our knowledge of the canon and the characteristics of books that have been canonized. I selected this assignment for my blog because I feel very strongly about why this book should be in the canon. My approach to this assignment was both very factual and opinionated because of the book information and my reasons for its canonization. The only challenge I faced making this presentation was changing the theme of the slideshow. My teacher and I agreed that the current color looks unappealing, but I was unable to change it without messing up the format of the rest of the slides. Revisions I made to this assignment were very minor. I corrected a few typos in my text and fixed some formatting errors, such as book titles not being italicized. I am proud of my book choice for this assignment. I believe very strongly that Looking for Alaska is a book all teens should be required to read.
Literary Journal
For this assignment, a group of two other students and I were asked to gather both original and external text/images and compile them into a literary journal. The title of our group literary journal is 11:44 because that's the time we stopped arguing about a topic which is media. This related to the course because it made us create text to submit to the journal and inspired creativity while we basically made a mini-book. I selected this assignment for this post because it is the one I am most proud of. The reason I am so proud of it is because of how good all the texts and images came out from my group. I also really enjoyed the the cover and the idea of the topic and title. My approach to the assignment was very focused and organized because of the group aspect. I was very on top of making sure we had everything together and that led to us being able to submit it one day early. A challenge I faced while making the journal was formatting the table of contents and attempting to number the pages. Unfortunately, because of google drive's limited options of page numbering, I was unable to correctly number pages which also led to an un-numbered table of contents. I did not have to make any revisions before posting, but because it was a group assignment, I had to ask my group members to correct small typos on their texts.
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